
The ORIGINAL Hydroxy Trace Mineral 

IntelliBond is the original hydroxy trace mineral that takes basic nutrition to a higher standard, in the feed, in the animal and in the food chain.


In the feed

OptiSize® Technology
Large particle technology improves mixability for uniform distribution of minerals.
Superior handling characteristics, low dust, no clumping. 

Decrease in free metal ions/oxidative stress.
More available minerals, vitamins, and lipids vs. SO4.

High mineral concentration
Leads to cost savings in labor, convenience, and storage.
More formula flexibility, leaves room for other feed additives.

In the animal

Improved Source
Strong covalent bonds allow for slow release, minimal interactions with antagonists.
Allows minerals to be present at high concentrations further down the GI tract.

Demonstrated performance
200+ research trials in swine, poultry and ruminants since 1996
Each product in the IntelliBond portfolio provides performance benefits

Solid economics
Delivers economic return based on sound science and research

In the supply chain

U.S. Made product exceeding the highest standards of 6 certification organizations
Full staffed, dedicated team monitors multiple criticle control points in manufacturing to assure quality 

U.S. based supply chain
100% control of traceability, process, and quality

Trusted results
Quality and safety are non-negotiable

IntelliBond® CII is proven to be an effective source of copper for animals via extensive research evaluations conducted at respected universities and research institutes over the past 20 years. The low solubility of IntelliBond at neutral pH results in less interaction in the feed/premix and in the upper gastrointestinal tract in ruminants, poultry and swine. This means more copper is available for use by the animal where it is needed most.

Read more about IntelliBond CII


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IntelliBond M is proven to be an effective source of manganese for animals via extensive research evaluations conducted at respected universities and research institutes. The low solubility of IntelliBond at neutral pH results in less interaction in the feed/premix and in the upper gastrointestinal tract in ruminants, poultry and swine. This means more manganese is available for use by the animal where it is needed most.

Read more about IntelliBond M

IntelliBond Z is proven to be an effective source of zinc for animals via extensive research evaluations conducted at respected universities and research institutes over the past 10 years. The low solubility of IntelliBond at neutral pH results in less interaction in the feed/premix and in the upper gastrointestinal tract in ruminants, poultry and swine. This means more zinc is available for use by the animal where it is needed most.

Read more about IntelliBond Z

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IntelliBond® Vital blends are our own core trace minerals with an additional component in each offering. One nutrition package. Large Particle Technology.

Learn more about IntelliBond® Vitals