Mycotoxin impact
Poultry is vulnerable to mycotoxins, the secondary metabolites of moulds, and can suffer severely, especially when exposed to a combination of different mycotoxins. The most critical mycotoxins for poultry production are aflatoxins, Ochratoxin A, trichothecenes and fumonisins. Ever since their discovery in the 1960's, mycotoxins have caused headaches for feed and livestock producers.
One critical factor contributing to mycotoxin risks is the use of high-fibre diets for layers. These diets cause a sustained exposure to multiple mycotoxins, which can negatively impact layer performance and producer's economics. Long-living birds can succumb to chronic toxicity after consuming low levels of mycotoxins every day over time.
Another factor that makes mitigation challenging is the fact that binders are not a solution to all mycotoxins. More than 600 mycotoxins have already been discovered, and researchers continue to identify more every day. Combatting mycotoxins goes beyond binding alone and requires more effective methods that improve both gut health and immunity, enabling birds to endure mycotoxin exposure without major impact to their health and performance.