Drinking water quality
Water quality is an aspect of farm management that is critical to the health of swine. Sub-optimal water quality will negatively impact both your animals’ health and performance and your farm’s profitability. And the hygienic conditions throughout the water system are as important as getting water from a safe source. Good water hygiene from the source all the way to the animals needs to be part of every biosecurity and farm management programme.
Even though a piglet's body is made up of 70-80% water, this element is often neglected as a critically needed nutrient. At weaning, water intake is low, while environmental temperatures are often high, creating the perfect conditions for bacteria to multiply. Experiencing high bacterial challenge during this phase can lower a piglet's growth rate, decrease its feed intake and cause diarrhoea.
Grower finisher
Grower-finishers' bodies also have a high water content of almost 50%. Still, water often remains a neglected nutrient during this phase. Water is very important grower-finishers. It helps with temperature control, nutrient transport and waste and digestive processes. Substandard water quality can negatively affect the animal's performance, health and well-being. A comprehensive biosecurity and farm management programme should always start with good water at the source and ensure that hygienic conditions are maintained throughout the entire water system.
For sows, the microbiological quality of water has an enormous impact on health and performance.
A highly productive sow gives birth to 14 to 16 piglets and produces 14 to 15 litres of milk a day. During lactation, drinking plenty of clean, fresh water enables sows to produce adequate milk to feed litters of this size.