Selko AOmix

A cost-effective solution to partially replace vitamin E

Antioxidants are crucial to livestock’s overall health. The Selko® AOmix products are a range of natural, specially formulated antioxidant blends. They provide the protection that ruminants and monogastrics need to optimise fertility, offspring vitality, and immune system support.


  • Protects your animals against oxidative stress
  • Supports performance
  • Supports the immune system


  • Species specific blends
  • High bioavailability
  • Remains stable in premix and feed

Species specific solutions

Tailor-made for ruminants

In ruminants, bioavailability is directly proportional to three factors:

  1. Polyphenol susceptibility to fermentation in the rumen
  2. The type of fermentation products produced
  3. The bioavailability of bypass polyphenols or polyphenol fermentation products.

Citrus, for example, contains naringenin, which can skip rumen fermentation and has a high bioavailability in the small intestine. Conversely, proanthocyanidins are too big to digest in the small intestine and must be fermented to produce absorbable antioxidants. Bio-efficacy is affected by both the substrate and the fermentation conditions.

Selko AOmix R is specifically designed for ruminant species. It contains mainly condensed tannins and utilises grapeseed, which is bioavailable due to rumen fermentation.

Tailor-made for monogastric species

To ensure a high level of antioxidant defence in monogastric animals, particularly those who are fast-growing or have health issues, it is critical to combine a variety of antioxidants that function synergistically and complement one another.

Polyphenols for monogastric species must be chosen according to their digestibility and intestine absorption. According to studies, quercetin, rosemarinic acid and resveratrol are highly bioavailable.

In contrast, grape-based proanthocyanidins produce almost no useful antioxidants in monogastric species. Together with the low bioavailability of grape polyphenols and proanthocyanidins in poultry, these antioxidants are better suited as an alternative to vitamin C as they are water soluble antioxidants. Therefore, Grape polyphenols should rather be viewed as complementary to vitamin E and not as a replacement for vitamin E. This is because only fat-soluble antioxidants can prevent lipid oxidation.

Selko AOmix M is specifically designed for monogastric species and contains complex flavonoids and hydrolysable tannins. 

Oxidative stress explained

Oxidative stress is a condition that occurs when the balance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body is disrupted. The oxidative status of animals is affected by many factors, including diet quality, heat stress, health status, and growth rate. These and other factors contribute to free radical formation.
Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and tissues, while antioxidants are substances that can neutralise them and protect the body from harm. Oxidative stress can affect the health and performance of livestock, as well as their resistance to diseases and environmental stressors. 

Vitamin E: a vital part of the diet

Vitamin E serves two main functions in animals, as described in literature: regulating gene expression, enzymatic activity and neurological functions; and serving as an antioxidant. Gene regulation is specific for vitamin E and cannot be replaced by other compounds. However, vitamin E is not unique in its ability to neutralize free radicals. Alternative products can serve as effective antioxidants at a lower price point compared to vitamin E.

Vitamin E is part of a family of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols. Specific polyphenols can be more efficient than vitamin E in reducing oxidative pressure. Within this diverse category, some molecules have more antioxidant capacity per gram than vitamin E, especially when considering the synthetic vitamin E used in livestock feed. Furthermore, some polyphenols offer improved bioavailability. Thus, the enhanced activity and availability of some polyphenols produce a more effective antioxidant supply in livestock than vitamin E alone.

Poliphenols can partially replace vitamin E

Polyphenols are a class of plant chemicals with antioxidant properties. These molecules' basic structure includes a phenol group, which is related to vitamin E. Polyphenols' antioxidant potential has long been recognised, and over a century ago, they were close to being classified as vitamins due to the antioxidant protection they provide.

Some polyphenols have more hydroxy groups bonded to benzene rings per unit weight than vitamin E, giving them even more antioxidant activity. However, not all polyphenols can be used as a direct replacement for vitamin E's antioxidant effect. Bioavailability, radical affinity, tissue dispersion, and metabolism must all be considered.

The second crucial factor in antioxidant effectiveness is its distribution within the cell. One element that influences this distribution is water versus fat solubility. This differs for each antioxidant and determines the cellular areas where the antioxidant can act. Fat-soluble vitamin E, for example, can only deliver its antioxidant effect at the (fat-soluble) cellular membranes.
The natural antioxidants in the two, specially formulated Selko AOmix blends have not only been selected for ideal digestibility, but they also cover the complete water-to-fat-soluble range to ensure optimal antioxidant activity in every part of the cell.

Get in touch about Selko AOmix

Interested to learn more about the possibilities of incorporating Selko AOmix in your animal diets? Fill out the contact form below and we will reach out to you for further support. 

Interesting resources

Selko AOmix

Support animal oxidative status with natural antioxidants.

Open brochure

Polyphenols report

An explanation on how natural polyphenols in Selko AOmix can partially replace vitamin E

Download report